Everyday Magic was the seed (pun might be intended) that grew into a much larger project. This series of paintings were originally created to be the centerpiece for my solo show in October of 2019. They’ve since become an ongoing fantasy children’s chapter book project involving the story direction of my son.
My ladies
My mermaid series began early spring of 2019 - I created this series with the intention of using bright and visually attractive images to draw attention to the issue of ocean pollution. I pushed this work pretty hard over the summer of 2019 and I feel as though it was the most popular and impactful thing I’ve ever done.
My tiny animals have become some of my most popular pieces of work and merch. I guess I can get behind that, they’re pretty adorable.
My Everyday American series is a reflection on the Americana relics (both objects and people) that I know and love. I tried to keep a tongue-in-cheek and almost dark humor attitude when writing the small backstories for each character.
Just the stuff that doesn’t necessarily fit anywhere else. I love creating for the sake of creating and I have a wealth of things that are one-offs that are also some of my favorite pieces.