We started the year in Pinellas County Florida with my grandmom. We had some ‘ventures, hung out with awesome family and friends, and had the opportunity to celebrate the New Year in St. Petersburg - which was really amazing.
Over Bill’s (…Will’s? What do I call you on here?) Christmas break we had decided to work together on a small point and click adventure game, which is awesome. He and I had been talking about working on a game together for literal years. It’s coming along, you can find the working demo here.
The game itself is something of a prologue for the chapter book Pat and I have been working on. We’re working on it together… slowly… when I can get said seven year old to sit down.
It’s become a process. I’ve recently decided that I’m going to record when he talks about what he wants for the story and when he comes up with new ideas. Maybe I’ll make it into a documentary and call it: “Why not to have a seven year old boy as a business partner - an introspective” or something. The kids’ll like it.
Anyway, Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to 2020 and all of the exciting new things it will offer… like this website that’s been sitting empty for four months! Woops <3
xoxo - love you Beeps.